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Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
With Brenda away, Matthew and Ryan deal with some heavy stuff, including: Cloud: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/blog/2020/03/atlassian-cloud-changes-mar-2-to-mar-9-2020 Portfolio 3.22: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiraportfolio/portfolio-for-jira-3-22-release-notes-993928073.html Bitbucket 7: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/bitbucket-server-7-0-release-notes-990546638.html ALM Works Announces Structure 6, with Special Guest Dave Roselund: https://almworks.com/blog/introducing-structure-6.html Trello blog: Mobile tools you might not have known about: https://blog.trello.com/list-new-trello-mobile-features This episode is dedicated to our friend and colleague, Atlassian Education Manager Robert Bleeker, who passed away at the end of February. Robert was a wonderful person and will be missed terribly by all of us. If you'd like to donate to his family in this time of difficulty, please do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/robert-bleeker-memorial-fund Thanks for listening everyone. Please share this podcast at your leisure, and connect with us on social @Adaptavist