The latest news from Atlassian and its partners. Learn what‘s happening, what broke, and how to handle recent updates.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Ep. 90 - Atlassian's Bug Bounty, Software Updates, And Asynchronus Meetings
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
On this edition of Adaptavist Live: Brenda, Matthew, and Ryan discuss... Atlassian Cloud Changes: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/blog/ 95% Revenue Share on Atlassian Cloud Marketplace https://blog.developer.atlassian.com/build-a-cloud-app-take-home-95-of-the-profits-for-the-first-year/ From Dev Blog: Confluence Server Beta 7.4 https://blog.developer.atlassian.com/confluence-server-7-4-enterprise-release-beta-is-available-now/ Confluence 7.4: Enterprise edition https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/confluence-7-4-release-notes-994312218.html Portfolio 3.25 https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiraportfolio/portfolio-for-jira-3-25-release-notes-998898380.html Trello Blog: Asynchronous Meetings https://blog.trello.com/how-to-run-an-asynchronous-meeting Atlassian's Hari Balasundaram joins us to talk about Atlassian's Bug Bounty program https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/marketplace-bounty-program/ John Turley's latest on the Adaptavist Blog: https://www.adaptavist.com/blog/improved-collaboration-management-mindset/ Thank you for listening! Please like and share wherever fine podcasts can be found. Connect with us on social @Adaptavist, and we'll see you again soon.